今年第三屆長庚美容外科研討會,羅慧夫院長演講的題目是:The Hope Of Future
題目是:Operation Rhinoplasty VS Injection Rhinoplasty
Operation Rhinoplasty VS Injection Rhinoplasty
雅丰時尚診所, 雅丰麗緻診所, 雅丰美膚診所, 菲仕美診所
曾文尚醫師, 張松源醫師, 林孟羲醫師, 黃俊源醫師
The patients of augmentation rhinoplasty , including operation and injection rhinoplasty , increase much in recent years. All the plastic surgeons should be familiar with the operation rhinoplasty and the injection rhinoplasty, and then we could give the patients better treatment!
Operation rhinoplasty is a highly specialized field that requires much knowledge and skill on the plastic surgeons to have successful result .The concepts of beautiful nose are different from Asians and Caucasians with respect to ethnic and cultural backgrounds, anatomy of the face and nose, and psychological and aesthetic needs of the patients .
Operation rhinoplasty is one of the most common aesthetic procedures in Taiwan. The specialty of operation rhinoplasty surgery has grown and evolved with the refinement of many innovative techniques and the creation of new procedures.
Injection rhinoplasty means filler injection over nose. Soft tissue fillers represent an exciting tool for plastic surgeons seeking to meet growing patient demands for injection rhinoplasty with minimal downtime . For the young patient, the promise of tissue fillers is particularly appealing; these materials offer the acceptable augmentation of nose without the morbidity associated with more invasive surgical procedures. For them the choice between the needle and the scalpel is an easy one, and regular visits to the plastic surgeon for touchups are part of a familiar routine.
For plastic surgeons, the popularity of soft tissue filler is a boon! Thes fillers enable plastic surgeons to offer patients a range of services, both noninvasive and invasive . Injection rhinoplasty serve as an initial therapy for a young to middle-aged patient population that want to do augmentation rhinoplasty . Many patients will accept operation rhinoplasty after injection rhinoplasty !
All the plastic surgeons should be familiar with the operation rhinoplasty and the injection rhinoplasty! I would like to suggest that all the plastic surgeon offer patients a range of treatment , both operation rhinoplasty and injection rhinoplasty ! WE, PLASTIC SURGEON, could master any kind of rhinoplasty, not only operation rhinoplasty . If the patient just want to do injection rhinoplasty, and we evaluate his condition acceptable, please do it ! Because we believe the injection rhinoplasty could serve as an initial therapy for the patients that want to do augmentation rhinoplasty. And WE, PLASTIC SURGEON, could be the leader in the whole cosmetic market , not only in the plastic market.